FREE Summer Touch Rugby

FREE Summer Touch Rugby

Tuesday 6 June 2017
19:00 - 20:30
Every 7 days
Simon Grieve
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This summer we are again welcoming ALL ages and abilities to join in with the proven format of dedicated pitches that are just right for everyone. The CLUB BAR will be open throughout the evenings too.

Touch Rugby is a fantastic way to keep fit and to try out rugby without any physical contact – as the name suggests, tackling is via touching another player.

Our ‘Novice’ pitches will be aimed at Mums and Dads who want to have a run-around with the younger kids, and the rules will be very relaxed!

At the other end of the scale our ‘Expert’ pitch will be for experienced over 16’s only and will be refereed to the formal RFU Touch Rugby rules.

In between we will have ‘Intermediate’ pitches where the format will be determined by the mix of players on the night.

Our Summer Touch Rugby sessions are FREE to participate in – we hope you’ll stay afterwards for an informal social in the fantastic Clubhouse! If you’ve not been before then you’ll find rugby a very friendly and welcoming sport – the perfect way to make new friends.

We will keep ‘rules’ to the absolute minimum, however children under the age of 16 MUST be accompanied at all times (although you may play on different pitches). Also, for insurance purposes, we will ask for your name and contact details when you first play.

Gareth Thomas is leading our Summer Touch Rugby – please contact him at if you have any questions or suggestions.

Bring on the sun!

Further reading
This is a past event