'We provide support and information to rugby players in England who sustain a catastrophic spinal cord injury or acute severe traumatic brain injury playing the game, and help prevent future injuries through vital research.
Our assistance is available to any player, from grassroots up to professional level, to empower them to lead their lives as fully and independently as they are able to. We are there for the player, family, friends and club immediately after injury and for the rest of their lives.
We are continually funding research to make breakthroughs to understand how we can improve the care of the injured player and make the game of rugby safer with the vision to allow everyone to play the game without catastrophic injuries occurring.
We also offer help to individuals who sustain injuries while playing rugby that are not classed as a catastrophic spinal cord injury or a traumatic brain injury, by providing information and where possible by relieving financial hardship.
We want everyone who loves the game to get involved. We need YOU to help raise funds and raise awareness to support injured players and to fund vital research.'
On 13th November John ‘JB’ Baker sustained an injury whilst playing in a Vets game, resulting in serious spinal damage. Along with his medical care at the John Radcliffe Hospital, he and the Baker family have received ongoing support from the RFU Injured Players Foundation.
John’s daughter, Georgina, was keen to show her appreciation and thanks to the charity for supporting her dad and is embarking on a' 12 Hikes in 12 months’ challenge.
How can I become involved?
By Donating
Visit this link: Georgina Baker is fundraising for RFU Injured Players Foundation
as of Tuesday 18th March
Follow the Facebook Page
Following the challenge Facebook page will keep you in the loop on fundraising efforts, but also on the hikes themselves and all progress made
Click here to follow the Facebook page!
By Attending and Supporting the Hikes
The hikes are a chance for people to show their support to Georgina for an incredible charity.
“I would love to be joined by anyone who wants to take part, regardless of their ability or level, I have carefully chosen some of the UK’s finest and challenging walks for you all to enjoy.”
I will be attending all of the walks however I will not be a tour guide! I would ask that you do your own preparations for the walk. My focus will be completing all 12 hikes for the charity and also for my Dad!
12 Hikes in 12 Months -
Sign Up Form Link Here